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  1. Submit an online feedback enquiry
  2. Email vwgsupport@modulus-ltd.co.uk
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Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited and its contractors have taken every effort to ensure that the data specified in this package is correct at the time of issue. The company accepts no liability for any consequential losses occasioned through any error within or misinterpretation by any person of the information and reserves the right to alter recommended prices, labour times and / or specifications at its discretion. This application is provided 'as is'. Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage however caused by the use of this application except in relation to fraudulent misrepresentation. Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited's maximum liability shall not exceed in any circumstances the price paid for this application. By continuing to logon indicates that you have read and understood the conditions of this disclaimer.